Meet John
John Burke
7 Bradley Ct
West Warwick RI 02893
I will represent the interests of the hardworking citizens of District 9 to maintain the high standard they have come to expect and enjoy.
If re-elected as Senator of District 9, I will work with all local and state officials to help small businesses get back on their feet during this economic disaster, work for affordable housing for all Rhode Islanders, support Seniors and Veteran issues.
Two term State Senator 2020-2024
Deputy Majority Leader
Member of Senate Judicial Committee
Secretary of Senate Labor Committee
Member of Housing and municipal Government Committee
Graduated from Bishop Hendricken High School 1978
Attended CCRI for studies in Computer Science 1979-1981
Employed by Puritan Life Insurance as computer operator from 1981-1982
Employed by University of Rhode Island from 1982 to 2019 in various IT positions
Retired July 2019
Former union member of Council 94 PTAA at URI 1982-2019
Past Grand Knight of Gibson Council 181 Knights of Columbus West Warwick
Member of Club Frontenac, West Warwick
Past treasurer of West Warwick Sunday Morning Slow pitch league
Former Coach of West Warwick Basketball League
Former Coach of West Warwick Girls softball league
Former member of NEPSTHA, Patriots Season tickets holders group.
Life long West Warwick resident
One daughter Billie Burke, age 29, practicing Physician Assistant
One dog Marley, URI Basketball fan